What's New
Follow our blog for the latest news from eTaxSuite.
New Fact Sheet: Giving your RMD to Charity
Your clients age 701/2 and older will thank you for this timely fact sheet.
2017 Year-end Business Letters
Our 2017 small business and corporation letters are ready to share with your clients.
Updated Fact Sheet: Tax Reform
Tax reform is a hot topic. Our fact sheet lets clients know which topics are on the table without political bias.
2017 Individual Organizer Updates
Individual organizers are ready to share with your clients.
2017 Year-end Newsletters
Our popular year-end letters are ready to share with your clients.
New Fact Sheet - RMDs
The oldest Baby Boomers turned 70 in 2016... and there is an 18 year wave of Boomers to follow. Our new fact sheet covers the basics about their RMDs.
New FAQ - Crowdfunding
Crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe & Kickstarter are increasingly popular. Our new fact sheet covers the tax implications.
Reminder about extended provisions
Remind your clients that they no longer have to wait until the last minute for an extenders bill... because last year's PATH Act permanently extended many of the most popular provisions.
2016 Farm Organizer Updates
Our 2-page and 4-page farm organizers are ready for the upcoming tax season.
Year-end Newsletter Updated
Page 4 of the Year-end Newsletter includes a section about tax reform. This has been uipdated based on yesterday's election results.
2016 Year-End Greetings Updated
1-page reminders about recent changes in tax law and last minute year end tips.
Link eTaxSuite to your website
my1040pro.com makes it easier to link eTaxSuite to your website.
New Fact Sheet: myRA Accounts
Give your clients the basic facts about this new kind of no fee Roth IRA.
New Product: Foreign Asset Worksheet
Introducing a simple 2-page worksheet for listing foreign held assets.
2016 Year-End Business Newsletters
Download our 2016 year-end business newsletters today.
New Business Guides Updated
Download our updated guides for new businesses today.
4-Page Organizer Updates
Download our 2016 4-Page Tax Deduction Finder today.
2-Page Organizer Updates for 2016
Download our 2-page 2016 organizers today.
2016 2-Page Newsletters Updated
Download our 2-Page newsletters today. Now updated for tax year 2016.
2016 Year End Newsletter
Download our 2016 4-page tax newsletter today.