What's New
Follow our blog for the latest news from eTaxSuite.
Extended subscriptions through Labor Day
We are putting a hold on expiring subscriptions to give people extra time to try out our latest new feature... my1040pro.com
Increased Penalties for Failure to File 1099-Misc
Let your clients who hire contractors know about the increased penalties... up to $500 per 1099-Misc for "intentional disregard" to file.
New FAQ: Fantasy Sports
Millions of Americans are playing fantasy sports. Do they know they have to pay tax on the winnings?
New FAQ - ABLE Act
The ABLE Act allows some of your disabled clients and their families the ability to save money without endangering them from losing out on public benefits.
New! Extenders Bill Fact Sheet
The 2015 extenders bill has immediate tax implications (because it was retroactive)... download our fact sheet about it today.
Updated - Year Round Tax Saving Tips
The final 2016 numbers have been released by the IRS... download our updated Year-Round Tax Saving Tips Newsletter today.
New FAQ - Cost of Goods Sold
Your clients who struggle with accurate recordkeeping of product costs and inventory will thank you for this simple fact sheet.
New Fact Sheet - Paying Your Taxes Online
Your clients that have given up paying for things by check will thank you for this handy fact sheet about the benefits and limitations of IRS Direct Pay.
New Worksheet - Product Inventory
Cost of Goods Sold just got a little easier. Give your clients our new inventory worksheet.
New fact sheet - smartphone apps for tax recordkeeping
Smartphones can make tax recordkeeping a little easier. Download our fact sheet on the topic.
Updated: 2015 Year-End Business Letter
Download our updated Year-End Business Letter today.
2015 Farm Products Updated
Download our updated specialty farm products today.
Updated: 2015 Year-End Corporation Letter
Download our updated Year-End Corporation Letter today
New 2-page newsletter and organizer
Clients with a short attention span will love these new products.
Year end greetings updated
Our 1-page year-end documents are ready to download.
Spanish Language Products Updated
All of our Spanish language worksheets and organizers are updated for 2015... and now they are fill-able too.
New FAQ - Tax Scams
Criminals are hard at work on the latest tax scams.
New FAQ - Health Insurance Checklist
There are new health insurance documents for 2015. How can clients be ready at tax time?
2015 Income Tax Organizers Updated
Our 2015 organizers are ready to download... and now they are fill-able too.
New for 2015: Fill-able Forms
Now your clients can fill our forms using Adobe Reader and save the completed form.